Over 80 property professionals attended the first CPD event for 2025 at The Grand on Friday 28th February. Attendees learnt about three critical issues affecting housebuilders and property professionals: navigating nitrate neutrality challenges, staying up to date with the latest planning updates, and understanding key asbestos awareness considerations expertly delivered by our speakers Sam Knight, Simon Kennedy, Joshua Gittens and Andy Strugnell. Future events are being planned for the year, check out the website for further announcements.
A Fantastic Amount Raised For Charity
Following the February Committee meeting a cheque was presented by Chair Rupi Basi to Parkinson’s UK the SPA nominated charity for 2024 for the sum of £8,740. A big thank you from the committee to all members who helped raise such a fantastic amount for this worthy cause.
Dutton Gregory Charity Quiz and Curry Night
We would be delighted if you could join us at our upcoming Annual Charity Quiz & Curry Night on Thursday 6th March at the Mercure, Winchester in support of our chosen charity, Romsey Opportunity Group. For more event information please see the invitation below. The Romsey Opportunity Group is a charity that supports and fulfils the wishes of children and young people with special needs. To visit their website please follow the link www.romseyopgroup.org.uk If you are interested in attending our event, please send an RSVP along with any dietary requirements to j.whettingsteel@duttongregory.co.uk Look forward to hopefully seeing you there.
Your 2025 Committee
Your 2025 committee recently held their first meeting to plan events for members in the coming months ahead. Please keep an eye on the events diary on the website as a number have already been planned and the site is updated regularly on www.southamptonpropertyassociation.co.uk Any members that would like to see a particular event added to the calendar should contact a member of the committee. We continue to look for sponsors for events, in particular our regular Friday Frolics, as one sponsor mentioned recently the sponsorship paid for itself as we gained an instruction which more than covered our costs. Please contact a member of the committee should you wish to offer sponsorship for any event of any kind.
Dear Member Applications are invited to serve on the 2025 Southampton Property Association Committee. Committee members assist one another in organising events throughout the year and a committee meeting is held in Southampton on the first Wednesday of each month at 12.30pm, usually lasting for about one hour. Committee members are not paid for their time, but there is an annual committee lunch by way of thanks. In the event of more applications being received for the committee places than are available, a secret ballot will be held of those SPA members present at the Annual General Meeting, which is to be held on the evening of Monday, 20th January 2025 at The Southampton University Officer’s Training Corps, 32 Carlton Place, Southampton SO15 2DX, full details of which will follow. The window for applications to the join the committee will remain open until 5.00pm on Friday, 27th December 2024. Please email applications to me, chrisclark@elgsurveyors.co.uk
SPA Annual Charity Ball Raises Much Needed Funds for Parkinson’s UK
Over 200 revellers from the property world donned their best bib and tucker at the annual SPA Charity Ball on Thursday 6th November held at The Grand with a Bollywood theme for the evening. A night packed full of entertainment and fun raised a huge amount for the very worthy charity Parkinson’s UK, the SPA’s chosen charity for the year. The evening kicked off with the traditional game of Heads and Tails, and raffle compared by George Long. A delicious themed meal was served with diners being entertained by Traditional Indian dancers, with the night finishing of with dancing at Rubys The final total raised is still being totted up but early estimates are over a fantastic £6k.
Eddisons are Top Quizzers
A team of top Quizzers from Eddisons took the trophy at the Annual SPA Quiz Night held at The Grand last Tuesday 12 October 2024 taking the top spot from Lester Aldridge. Over 80 property professionals took part with new quizmaster George Long setting the questions and hosting another successful SPA event.
SPA Autumn Texas Scramble
Over 70 golfers took part in the SPA Autumn Texas Scramble on Thursday 5th September at Skylark Golf & Country Club. There was some excellent scoring despite what can only be described as appalling weather conditions. with continual heavy rain during the round. Eventual winners were the team from Aecom on countback with a score of net 50, with runners up Footprint Architects a close second. Longest Drive was won by Daniel Poole and nearest the pin was Drew Vince, who was nearly buying drinks for all as he was only 3″ from the pin.
SPA Annual Summer Party
The SPA hosted their Summer Party, what has now become an annual event following the successful 75th Anniversary Party last year. The event this year, in collaboration with RICS Matrics, on Thursday 5th September took place at the fabulous 17th century Chesil House with gardens overlooking the River Itchen. Over 100 guests enjoyed the surroundings and delicious nibbles whilst taking the opportunity for some networking.
The SPA recently reached a milestone in their history having hit a record number of members for 2024 with over 400 property professionals now taking advantage of membership of the organisation. The association run varying events throughout the year including the ever popular Friday Frolics the last Friday of the month. Others include Quiz, Golf, Brewery Tours, Xmas Wreath Making Workshops culminating in an Annual Charity Ball in November, along with the important role of delivering CPD. All events can be found on the website: www.southamptonpropertyassociation.co.uk. Sponsorship opportunities are available for many events and if your company would like to sponsor an event or prizes please contact a member of the committee. SPA began in 1948 as Southampton and District Auctioneers Valuers and Estate Agents Association (SAVE). It was predominantly residentially focused and took on a policing role, to ensure reputable practices were adhered to. It also provided a point of contact between members sharing details of their various negotiations with the District Valuer. In the last 15 years or so the Association has become more centred around commercial agents and found a new role in delivering CPD. The name changed to Southampton Property Association in 1997 to demonstrate a widening of the membership base. In 2004 the Association widened the rules to include all whose business affairs are substantially property related. The Association has a benevolent fund the trustees, are Des Ely, Richard Tuck and Tim Bizzey to whom members may make enquiries for assistance should they or their families find themselves in need.