On behalf of everybody at Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, our patients and their families, thank you for the incredible amount raised at the Southampton Property Association Ball. £4,305,53 is amazing and will go a long way to supporting the work of our critical care Doctors and Paramedics.

For the past 15, years support from people like you has given our patients the best possible chance at life. The chance of a future. When our patients and their families need us most, you help put us there. Whether it’s by the bedside or at the roadside, we will be there for them.
Our teams of doctors, paramedics, pilots and dispatch assistants have now responded to more than 15,000 calls for help since we began flying back in 2007. As a vital member of our team, none of those missions would have been possible without you on board.

In November your Air Ambulance was called out to 176 emergency missions.

We were recently called out to Jim when he was hit by a car as he was riding his bike near Andover. Due to the severity of his injuries, Jim sadly died shortly after arriving at hospital. Because of the interventions of our air ambulance crew, however, Jim was able to be taken to hospital while still alive. This meant his wish for the donation of his organs, including heart valves and tissue, liver and kidneys, could be granted.
His daughter Emma told us: “I’ve got no doubt whatsoever that Dad had the absolute best care. Every possible chance was given to him, but his injuries were just too severe. We always knew about the Air Ambulance but didn’t realise it relied on donations. We will never be able to show enough gratitude for what the team did for him. Support from people like you will hopefully mean another family doesn’t have to go through what we’ve been through.”

Thank you for standing shoulder to shoulder with us and the patients and their families who so desperately need our help. You are a lifesaver.

If you could please extend our thanks to all of the committee and your membership for the ongoing support everyone has shown.

Wishing you and your colleagues a very Healthy and Happy Christmas.

Warmest wishes


Lucy Butcher

Support Engagement Officer

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance