Over 50 members turned out on Monday evening for the 76th Annual General Meeting of Southampton Property Association, held within the delightful Grade 2 listed officer’s mess rooms in Carlton Place Southampton.

As is customary, Hon. Secretary Chris Clark of Ely Langley Greig Chartered Surveyors conducted the business of the evening, Chair Emma Bartlett of TMT Legal delivered her report for 2022 which with some 21 events over the year, which culminated with the Autumn Charity Ball, She was happy to report that from the various events held during the year £10,000 was raised for our chosen charity, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.

A new year brings a new charity and the association has chosen, SCRATCH, who provide services which relieve the effects of hardship, disadvantage and poverty for individuals and families living in Southampton and the surrounding area.

Treasurer Chris Orr (Design Chapel/Fruitful Studio) reported to the members that the Association was in good financial health.

Attendees were then introduced to Annabel Huffer from Eddisons as the new Junior Liaison Officer, to encourage the next generation of property professionals to be part of the association through various events.

Emma was re-installed as the 2023 Chair and Rupi Basi of RB Personal Finance took on the post of 2023 Vice Chair.

The evening concluded with a very interesting and informed presentation by Helen Carr, Professor of Property Law and Social Justice at the University of Southampton.

The Association was founded in 1948 and continues to grow, currently having around 400 members, drawn from the Property Professions in Southampton and District.