The 77th Annual General Meeting of the Southampton Property Association took place on Monday 22nd January 2024 at the University Officers’ Training Corp in Carlton Place, Southampton in front of a large audience followed by the installation of the 2024 Chair.
As is customary, Hon. Secretary Chris Clark of Ely Langley Greig Chartered Surveyors conducted the business of the evening. Treasurer Chris Orr reported to the members that the Association was in good financial health.
Current Chair Emma Bartlett began her report by welcoming everyone to the AGM and her last one as Chair. During Emma’s tenure as Chair she has endured covid lockdown holding the monthly committee meetings by zoom during 2021.
By 2022 we were starting to get back to some form of normality an tentatively began to plan in-person events with membership bouncing back both in numbers and enthusiasm for events. Over her time as Chair Emma is particularly proud of the support the SPA has been able to provide to the nominated charities, namely Solent Mind, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance and Scratch.
Emma commented “ Personally it has been very humbling to learn about the incredible things these charities do over the last 3 years and we as an association have raised a combined total £30,000 through our events and donations.”
“In lots of ways the Chair is just a figurehead of the SPA and relies heavily on the dedication and hard work put in by the committee and I would like to say a huge thank you to them over the last few years. Finally I would like to wish Rupi Basi, our new SPA Chair, all the very best for her tenure.”
Rupi vowed to continue the good work that Emma had started and announced the nominated charity for 2024 would be Parkinsons UK.
She continued “There is a number of events already planned for 2024 including the ever popular Friday Frolics but if any member would like to see any ideas for events added to the calendar then contact any member of the committee to put forward at their monthly meeting.”
The Association was founded in 1948 and continues to grow, currently having around 400 members, drawn from the Property Professions in Southampton and District. Check out the events for 2024 and how to become a member on
Your New Committee for 2024:
Chair Rupi Basi – RB Personal Finance
Vice Chair & Junior members’ – Annabel Huffer Eddisons
Secretary Chris Clark – Ely Langley Greig
Treasurer Chris Orr – The Design Chapel
Past Chair Emma Bartlett – TMT Legal
Membership Secretary Sarah Ward – Savills
CPD Secretary Allan Hilder
Benevolent Fund Graham Clarke
PR/Website Roy Partridge
Committee Belinda Bracegirdle – Primmer Olds BAS
Denise Bull – Dutton Gregory
Tim Clarke – Harrison Clarke
Richard Huffer – Eddisons
Debbie Jackson – DJ Conveyancing
Natalie Kyle – Goadsby
George Long – Charters
James Macmillan – Womble Bond Dickinson
Paul Moore – Waterman Infrastructure
James Realff – Lester Aldridge
Lucy Richmond
Kevin Stratford – Stratford & Stratford